Below you’ll find a quick overview of the projects I’m currently involved in as well as the areas of inquiry I’m passionate about. I have created over 150 Playbooks based on this inquiry. For more information on the services I offer to organizations, individuals and teams as well as community groups, please visit My Offerings page. I update the My Thoughts page on a regular basis with ideas related to the work and interests below and would love to connect with you for a deeper conversation about any of these areas. You can contact me here.
Current Projects
The following are some of the projects I’m currently engaged in:

Click Here
- Something that has struck me and my new way of working in cultural communities, seeking and supporting community wellbeing as a companion with communities along this journey, is to focus and bring a new lens to building individual resilience. This is in the context of people and my friends facing hate, racism, discrimination, and oppression. My lens is now building individual capacity neurobiologically. I am focusing my teaching and mentoring beyond the traditional cognitive experiences. Integrating an equally important form of inward change by reflecting individual somatic experiences. The key is to support the shifting and shaping of their autonomic nervous system. I believe that this is the most powerful way of informing oneself to hold space for a new life experience.
- Udod, SA (PI), Itzkow, M, MacPhee, M, Gagnon, S, Avery, L, & Scanlan, J. (2022). Engaging Nurses and Managers in a World Café: Fostering Nurses’ Worklife and Mental Health and Wellbeing. MCNHR Collaborative Health Research Grant, University of Manitoba.
- This is a newly created workshop I am testing on September 2022 with the international SQ21 network:

This 90-minute session is an exploration of a number of theories and some examples of brief exercises will assist the participants to focus attention on the context of one’s achievement of “Spiritual Presence and Social Mastery” (SQ21 Quadrant 4), and two important skills regarding being a calming and healing force, that may be strengthened and enhanced.
The approach will be to integrate three overlapping neurobiological lenses that intentionally shape one’s autonomic nervous system (neurobiological lens).
First by attending to one being ‘safe and socially engaged, and understanding the most recent evidence of the role of the way in which parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems operate. In some sense, this is considered to be the Science of Connection. ( externally, internally and between us)
Secondly, by being motivated to achieve a person’s ‘ideal’ state, and applying both Positive and Negative ‘Emotional Attractors’.
Then, thirdly and most importantly, one’s knowledge and practice based on neurobiological evidence of self-compassion and self-kindness that may be expanded and heightened
This introductory session begins with:
· mapping the concentric circles, reflecting the above-stated elements of strengthening SQ and the two skills of having a calming presence and a healing force;
· Then aligning these skills to compassion and empathy from a neurobiological lens;
· Then applying a developmental approach that enhances and strengthens the opportunity for growth and change in meaningful ways; and
· the very last and all-encompassing neurobiological lens, the human experience of the challenges faced by our autonomic nervous system.
The focus is on “how we are” and most importantly the three states of being and our ability based on our intentions to change our physiological states.
- Head Judge– ICF Prairie Chapter PRISM Awards (2022)
- Convening the Wisdom of Hope International Circle (Hong Kong, Canada, U.K., Austria, Brazil, U.S., Austria and Ukraine)
- Member of a Ph.D. student Advisory Committee for Development of a Two-Eyed Seeing Approach to Working with Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse
- The Power of Personal and Professional Vision
- Developing an individual coaching program for employees and or leaders to strengthen what they love within work, and focus attention on how their work outcomes drive their performance
- Organizational and or Community Change Audit Model Development to address their Anti-racism and oppression work practices and behaviours
- The Three Phases of Making Life Changes (coaching conversations with senior faith leadership)
- Mini-Workshop re: Leader as Convener -“What is happening under the ‘Hood“: a neurobiological understanding of leadership thinking and behaviour, in other words, “Lead with your brain in mind” (provided to Leadership in Advanced Practice Nursing, University of Manitoba)
The speaker was fantastic, he provided practical solutions to some issues and to my questions posed. Some of the information was very complex, but the handout helped and gave me a whole new way of thinking.
The personal value system done prior to the class, was valuable to know and validate some of my thoughts. Going into small groups to discuss this, and the questions posed to me by fellow classmates made me think about why these values exist.
Student feedback
- The ‘CIRCLE OF 12’ – Leadership Experimental Development with Diverse Leaders from 5 Continents
- ‘Envisioned Future’ development for leaders: Pulled into an affirming future state!
- Conversations about exploring a moral compass guiding one’s life
- Large Scale Community Renewal – Through an Adaptive Future Search Approach
- Cultural Community engagement regarding changing environment (post-covid)
- Drop the Annualized Planning Model– Adaptive and agile 90-day cycle planning framework for a health clinic
- Leadership time management and procrastination; focusing on being unstuck!
- Organizational culture engagement of purpose and core values for a health clinic
- Executive, life, and leadership coaching for faith leaders
- Executive and life coaching for healthcare leaders (post-Covid)
- Impact planning advisor for a professional health association
- Multiple community engagement events
- Life coaching for multiple clients
- The Coalition of Manitoba Cultural Communities for Families – CEO
Areas of Deep Curiosity
- Does feedback smother?
- Faith Leaders Leading Others!
- Organizational Anti-Racism Audit- diversity, equity and inclusion- People, Process, Policy And Practices
- Love of Life and Work: How to focus on what generates your energy to move forward
- Cultivating AWE and a leader’s wonder for wellbeing
- Three Phases of Life Change: Separation, Liminal Learning and Renewal, Reinvigoration and Reimagining Life
- Social and psychologically safe organizational culture and teams
- Our Inner Moral Compass and a set of Questions to Align our Spiritual, Cognitive, Emotional and Physical Intelligence
- Positive Organization workshop design and Positive Leadership workshop Design
- Spiritual practices and sacred rituals
- Organizational and leadership volatility, uncertainty, ambiguity, and chaos
- Leadership behaviour and Shaping the Leader’s Autonomic Nervous System, and their States of Being
- How to apply personal ‘Best Self’ reflection as an engagement to executive coaching
- Interpersonal neurobiological coaching practices
- Executive leadership and attention, habits, and time management
- Love of life and personal visioning as a central element of personal change
- Public dialogue as a tool of societal, community, and organizational change
- Leadership and organizational culture change
- Community engagement facilitation, negotiation, conflict exploration and convening
- From leadership to stewardship practices in organizational transformation